Monday, February 28, 2011

It's been way too long!

So, it has obviously been quite some time since I last blogged considering that, in my last blog, I was concerned about dying from braxton hicks contractions, and I now have a baby!! In fact, baby Abby Kate is a week away from being 5 MONTHS OLD!! I can hardly even believe how fast time has come and gone. Our Abby girl is growing and changing so quickly and so often.. she is rolling from one end of the room to the other at lightning speeds! She can hold her head up incredibly well, and is sitting up by herself, too! It's amazing how fast she is changing right before our eyes. Everyone has told us since day one of my pregnancy that our little one will grow up too fast... and it's sad how true it has ended up being. On the one hand, I am so excited at her progress. I can't help but be such a proud mama everytime our pediatrician tells me she is advanced for her age, but it's sad at the same time because I don't want her to grow up too fast. She is such a little snuggler, loves laying on her quilt and playing with her toys, and has the sweetest giggle of all time.

This is really all that's been going on in our house lately! We joke about how much time we spend just watching Abby Kate.. I don't know what we did before we had a baby! Hubby and our dogs are wonderful, as always, and I am doing great. I am just loving life at home with my little lady. I have recently considered joining this generation by purchasing an iPhone, and later this month I do believe I will be getting an iPad! So exciting to feel so hip and with it. Ha!

In other news, I cannot get enough of Jimmy Fallon! He just gets funnier and funnier every time I watch Late Night. It should also be known that Bieber Fever has taken over our home. Neither Johnathan or I can stop listening to My World 2.0 or the Never Say Never remixes.... we have been hit with the biebonic plague!! I can't explain it, he is just so catchy!

That's all from us here, so.. if you stuck it out, thanks! I don't know why you did, but good for you.