Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I may not make it to my due date......

...because these braxton hicks contractions are going to kill me first!!!!!! I think I jinxed myself because my doctor asked last Thursday if I had been having any BH yet, and I told her I hadn't. Literally, since that day, I have had them nonstop. The worst thing about this is that the pain of BH contractions is supposedly not even a fraction of real labor contractions.. but hey, at least I get an epidural during labor. :) No need to try to be a hero!

I'm getting nervous about labor, but not in the usual way. I don't have the scared-of-the-labor-pain nerves.. but I'm more scared of not knowing when to go to the hospital. My doctor says that I will just know when it's time to go, but it's hard to be at ease with that advice when this is all so new and uncertain for me. Part of me hopes that Abby Kate will hang in there until the 7th so the doctor will just induce me because the spontaneity of it all just makes me so nervous! Then again, the 7th is so far away.... and I would love for her to just be here NOW.

In other news, my birthday is on Sunday!! :) I am sooo excited because I am making my parents and husband accompany me to Joe T Garcia's for a delicious birthday dinner on the patio. I can't wait. I haven't been to Joe T's since my bachelorette party. The only two downfalls are that Courtney is away at school, and I'm pregnant... so margaritas are out. Oh well, at least sister will be here within the week after my birthday to meet baby girl!

That's all for now... just needed to vent about my excruciating pain. Now, I am off to reattempt this sleeping thing!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Blogging, Take 2!

I am giving the blogosphere another go, thanks to the recommendation of a dear, sweet friend. The previous post and this post are pretty much acting as the bookends of my pregnancy. I am due in exactly 13 days, though there hasn't been a sign of progress in sight yet. I haven't felt so much as a braxton hicks contraction.. but Doc says this is normal for a first pregnancy. She said she'll induce me if I make it to 41 weeks, which will be October 7th. Until then, I am just supposed to hang out, see if my body goes into labor on it's own, and just wait!

I can't even attempt to wrap my head around the fact that I will be holding our baby girl in less than three weeks. After nearly nine months of pregnancy, three weeks seems so close. Then again, after nearly nine months of pregnancy, three weeks seems extremely far away! We are just so anxious to see, hold, and be with Abby Kate!

The pregnancy has, no doubt, been a roller coaster. We have been absolutely showered with generosity from all of our family and friends. This little girl is already so loved, it's unreal!! She, along with J and I, are so blessed with so many people that love and care for us.

I feel like this post is all over the place, but that is what pregnancy brain will do to you! I will try very hard to keep this blog up to date!